I purchased this mini cheapy sewing machine 2 years ago. I think it was purchased at Walmart. I now I got it on clearance for $4.00. Its green. The box says it comes in white, pink, blue and green. I would have loved the blue. But they only had green. Now I purchased this and then shoved it in my closet and said one day I will play with this. I forgot. (opps) Yesterday I was cleaning up and found it. I decided to take out and play.

It comes with a nice instruction booklet. Lots of photos and it tells you everything the machine does. It also came with a few supplies. You get a replacement needle 2 metal bobbins of thread filled and a threading needle. Pretty much you just use bobbins of thread. BUT, you can also wind up bobbins from a full size spool of thread so why cant you just use that to sew with too? Just leave the attachment on? (I will test to see if you can or can't and blog again about this soon) There is no "NAME" really on this machine or the box. It just says MINI SEWING MACHINE.

You can use batteries or the ac adapter. I have turned it on and I must say I am really shocked how good this little thing works. The tension is awesome and tight. You can adjust it too if you need to. But its set perfect right outta the box. I know I am going to be limited to what I can do with this. But it will be fun to see the projects that I am able to make with it. I will be sure to share those with you. Do you have one of these machines? Have you made anything with it? Please share if so. I am going to try to find a cute sticker to slap on there. It needs a name too. Cause cheapy mini isn't very nice/pretty off the tongue.