OK I am not sure how good I am working that new pose everyone seems to be doing lately. I think I need to work on that. (snort) I made these hair clips. But they are also brooches. They are both. I have been really inspired lately with so many thing. Like Lady Gaga. She is up there with that outstanding, and quite loud and making her own statement. I love it. She is totally saying. I am here. I totally get you girl. I get you. I have also been checking out
Japanese cosplay. I must say I am really loving that. I can't seem to find enough photos to satisfy me. They are so adorable and cute and the costumes are just fab. It's making me want to make a few. I have also been exploring 1930's maids and what they wore. Everything I am checking out and mixing and matching and its throwing around crazy good inside my head right now. And just for fun. Alice in Wonderland in the mix now too. I have been making cuffs and I don't seem to have as many cuffs as I do these. I think I need to make more. Oh and I found another indie craft show to take part this May. Oh I will spill more info later on where it is. I am going to list it in the corner of the blog so it will be there to remind you as the days will be getting closer and closer for the one at the end of this month! I really should go get all that info and get back to the sewing machine. Oh and
ps. I may wear this dress the day of the show. I forgot how cute it is.

(my fierce pose, HA!)
Ohh!! I love them!!!