I purchased those Pyrex holders I was talking about. They were sold with Pyrex to hold them. That way you don't have to use a pot holder at the table. Its like a fancy trivet. Plus if your carrying it from the oven to the table you wont have to worry about touching the Pyrex dish. This Pyrex dish is from my collection. I don't have a dish for the larger holder. I see these holders from time to time. I read some place they are hard to find. I thought I should grab them now before I regret it. You know how that stings! They were 50% off too. *joy* They are not as exciting as Pyrex but they are Pyrex. I know just like the lids to Pyrex not as exciting as the main piece but still charming and needed, Eventually right? I should buy a few lids next time.

This vintage sheet is going on Etsy. I am going to list a few vintage finds today. Yes today. I have been slacking so much in the online time seeing how I have been doing so much crafting. My craft show is coming up fast!

I found this adorable brown/aqua/pink vintage sheet. With 2 pillowcases. I really love these colors.

One lonely pillowcase in all its flower power glory.
Hello 1980's calling. Hearts were so big then. They still are.
hey... I love that lone pillowcase! Haven't been thrift hunting for a while.. might have to go soon xox
The small holder is not for Pyrex but for Corelle casseroles. Sorry
I don't know about the big one.
I have a blue,mauve and green versio of that lone pillowcase. I just found it at the thrift!
I just discovered you through the Pyrex Collective. OMG Amazing Pyrex and gorgeous blog. You must join the Pyrex Collective!
The heart sheets are so cool. I had those for my daughters. Love them. I found you from the Pyrex Collective and I'm reading some of your older posts! Love Love your Pyrex! I am now a follower!!
Love those holders. Do these have some kind of Pyrex marking on them, or how does one know if one stumbles upon them thrifting?
I think I had that flower power pillowcase growing up, or something very close to it!
P. I dont see any markings on the holders. That is what confused me on calling them Pyrex holders or not. I haven't found any holder to say Pyrex, YET! But the LIDS do say Pyrex.
Yipee Pyrex Collective Rocks!!