So over the weekend I got tapped on the shoulder and was shown a blog all about vintage Pyrex. Girls like me who thrift, Etsy, Ebay, yardsale and scour the streets of their towns for Pyrex. Come take a peek here at
The Pyrex Collective. I have been asked to contribute to the blog. Yipee! I read that entire blog Friday night. If you love vintage Pyrex you should totally come over and visit. And often. You know how much I love Pyrex! I am so happy to find a bunch of girls to show off my Pyrex too, cause you know hubby is like way over it. HA! Speaking of hubby, he went thrifting with me this weekend. We passed by a store and I was like please please please lets stop I feel Pyrex calling my name. I was right. It was calling me. I found this Pyrex Pink trimmed bowl. Its rather large. I know it goes to a set. This is a serving bowl. I have 2 plates to match this. I am not into collecting this set. However I am into selling or trading to get the sets completed I do want. No Pyrex will be turned down here. Its like gold.

I found this beautiful set of tea plates and cups. They are rather large. I do not know the maker or name of this. They feel Pyrex like. There is no marking on any of the pieces. I saw a few sets like this when I visited Lancaster, PA 2 years ago. I really wanted them. However I did not like the $40.00 price tag they had for a set of one. I found this set of 4 for 4.99. I was so happy to see them. Usually at that thrift store they would mark it way more. I think the person who usually does the marking in that store no longer works there. Cause lately all the Pyrex has been affordable there when usually its so out there in price for a thrift store. Even if they are not Pyrex items they would totally mark up certain items. Lately. Not so. (BIG FAT THRIFTY SMILE)

I found this aqua snowflake Pyrex beauty. Sure it a little scruffy. Still has lots of life left for me. I was so happy the lid was on it. Usually they sell the lids separate. When there is this much ware on Pyrex it means 2 things, one they used the dishwasher to wash it, two they loved it so much they kept using it. I hand wash all my vintage Pyrex.

I found my second butter dish. Its the same one I already have. So now I have 2. I know someone who has more than just 2 butter dishes.
Her. She who has the most wins!
So happy to meet all you new friends who are coming over for some Pyrex love. Nice to meet you. I am drooling over your blogs and your wonderful finds. I am so happy to be able to share Pyrex Love with you!
Hi Annie! Thanks for the follow over at the Lemon Tree! I will most definitely be returning the favor. Love love love your blog! Also love knowing that there are so many Pyrex kindered spirits out there :)
My mouth is agape in wonderment. So much good stuff! what a pretty Shanendoah Pyrex Cinderella casserole - I've not seen that pattern before now. I think they usually have 4 to a set (in answer to your question).
bye for now~
I am so in love with your roses teacups and sandwich plates set. Dang. And I also really like your butterdish. Ya know it says in the Bible that if your brother has none and you have two.....j/k Here I am teasing you like you knew me, which you don't. Toodles~
Oh Mary your so cute!!