The View of my back yard

In one of the houses on this lake I see a man and female dressed in white uniforms come outside every once in a while for a smoke break. Now either they like to dress like that and smoke outside their house or they have hired help. I instantly day dreamed what that would be like. Not having to finish that creative streak that I am under and someone else makes dinner. Or plays chauffeur. And some one will take care of the ever mounding pile of laundry. Which by the way I did all the laundry before me moved. I got everything washed. So when we move in 3 days later there is some how 4 loads of laundry stacked up on the washer. Nothing of mine thankyouvermuch. But I see when I said last call for laundry, some people thought I was joking? Tisk tisk naughty naughty. They had to wait until several rooms were unpacked before the laundry was going to begin.
We are almost all unpacked. Little things there left to do. I love love this house. I hope we can rent it for 2 years. I love waking up to this view every morning. Oh and its Brrrr on the lake. The wind just whips up and down the water. WOW. I am still loving it. Just loving it from the inside. I don't even have enough long pants to get through this many cold days. I am going to start breaking out the skirts and leggins with boots soon.
I hope you had a wonderful Holiday. I sure did. I am trying to answer and get through all the emails. It was a fast move and we are back up and running with internet faster than we thought we would be. We even have TV. Oh my gosh. Let me say that basic TV with no pay channels is yucky and boring for me after a while. I think we got 2 whole channels. And only during part of the day would there be something I could bare to watch. Then we got basic cable cause it came with our internet package. WOW that is all you get for basic cable? WOW! I guess its better than 2 channels and one being and infomercial channel till 4pm?We now have satellite. Whew. Way better. I am sorry. I am a TV junkie. Its the only way to let my mind just go mushy/turn off. That and a good book.
WOW!!!! That is a beautiful backyard Sherry! You lucky girl!!! Maybe we should meet up in Florida! I've never been to Florida!