I found this green hard shell vintage American Tourister suitcase. I also found a vintage round hard shell suitcase. I love them both. This is my first round suitcase. I am so thrilled!

It is really pretty inside. I love that color green. The round has purple. Nice!

I love how this side has a zipper closure. You do not see that in most of the suitcases. This one opens and closes no problems.

I finally found my vintage bunny handkerchief I have been searching all over the house for. (2 weeks) It was hiding on me really good.

We ventured out to our good friends house this past weekend. That is Fort Lauderdale you see in the background. We has cocktails and conversations. Oh and the food. We could not stop eating the food. My friend makes wonderful food. She uses the best, fresh, natural ingredients one can buy here and she can cook like a diva. Her flavors are so wonderful on your taste buds. You are just unable to say no to anything. You can't wait to eat when you go to her house.

My hubby was like WOW. WOW. I said. I know. These are chicken and Filet Mignon fajita sammiches. More like wraps. But Whoa. The taste of these. My favorite of the night. Chicken or steak hands down can't choose between the two. I just want some now. Thinking about these and looking at these again. I am going to cry when I eat my veggie meal tonight. The flavor was so amazing. I just loved it.

He was like why can't we cook like this? I said. She is a professional. (sausage pasta)

Hubby does not care for lamb. He ate the lamb.

BBQ pulled pork sammiches? Oh never like this have I ever tasted. Everrrrr!

Baked Juicy coated wings. I don't remember much of what she said she coated them with. Something yummy and healthy. Not flour. But I never did finish hearing her sentence cause I ate mine so fast I had to go back for more. I only put one on my plate cause I was trying to be good. HAHAHA! The Blue Cheese dip in the above photo. Yeah that went with this. WOW.
I have been doing some side work. Keeping things tidy around the house. Clipping Coupons. Smiling and sewing. I am prepping for Art Rock. The ducks in the back yard the bigger ones. Wow you should see them. I have to get a photo of them the next time I see them walking by. They always use my yard as a way to get to the lake. I don't get to see them often like I used too. They are prolly keeping that mama duck so busy. They are currently going through that loosing of the fur and getting the feathers stage. The colors are really coming out. Some are just popping with designs and color. They still come up to me and give me that little cheer. They are so cute.
I have a round tourister like that, I love it, carry it around sometimes instead of a tote! Mine is red. I am not sure why I love these cases so much but is refreshing to know I'm not alone.
Mmm, I'm so hungry after reading this post!!!