Baby Ducks in July!!

Only one of them has a pretty eyelet trim.

SO, it seems that someone else besides the duck
(still) in my front yard are having babies.
It is summer time.
I feel bad for those babies.
That is the lazy mother.
They are so cute.
I hope she takes better watch of them this time.
Hubby is like. WHAT THE HECk? MORE?
He went and panic cleaned the back porch floor down with the hose.
Then shook his head in disbelief.
I shook my head cause there was no duck poo on the porch.
He put a little fence up to prevent them from coming in.
Spring time there was at least 12 ducks all with little
babies running around remember? I giggled at hubby.

The pink glass dish was probably made by either Jeannette Glass Co. or Indiana Glass Co., they both made American Fostoria-ish patterns in various colors. You could probably look through some of their cube patterns on and find it. Sorry...that's the antique nerd in me wanting you to know what pattern you have.
Love the housewife skirt you made!
Sarah Thank you so much. I am running over to go look now.
Thanks for the skirt love. I am having fun making them.
i have some pink trinket bowls like that i love them :) You buy the same kind of treasures as me! My sister loooked at me funny when i bought some old doilies the other day!