AC Moore Craft Store has Opened

A.C. Moore Craft store has landed here in South Florida. I was really impressed with all the supplies they carry. Most of the items I have purchased today I was going to purchase online thru various different sites. How convenient for me now to have this store. A few years ago we had this HUGE craft store called Garden Ridge. It went out of business and then a Home Depot popped up in its place. YES that is how big the store was. I miss going there. Then RAGSHOP another local craft store left us. They closed all their locations last year. I was very sad to see them go. Thankfully A.C. Moore came to town. I really like the variety they have and the selections they carry. I got a few new toys today. I think I am about ready to start my felt-punching. I have enough colors to play with. I purchased the brush (they call it a "mat" but its really a brush) and now I am in search of the needle that will go with this clover brush. I have been punching on an old pillow. Well its hubby's favorite pillow....shhhhh. So now I can use the brush to do my punches on. I also picked up the clover yo-yo maker. I can't wait to make some. I have found a simple guide on looming for $1.49 and I am now happy to say I am currently on my way to making a scarf. I am not sure how my "first" creation of looming will look but I will wear it proudly. I must say if you did not buy the latest Create & Decorate you simply must. Looky at that cover. It is a "MUST have" this issue. Oh they have some really nice patterns this month. Lots for Valentines Day. They have some felting creations and some cute penny rugs. I love the rug hooking patterns too. I am telling you THAT has to be the next craft I learn. I want to learn so bad. Trust me I am so busy at the moment with my new crafts and toys I could not simply have enough time to dive into another.....Do I?
I just love to visit you! You always have the best stuff goin on.