These are the supplies needed for your yoyo making. I just traced my tea cup saucer to paper and cut out the circle. Then pick out your fabrics. You will need regular thread, keeping in mind you need to match your fabric and threads.

I have noticed on most tutorials I have come across on yoyo making they forget to tell you to fold the fabric over a bit and then begin your stitching. That is a very important step if you plan on making the center look neat.

Work the needle all the way around the circle.

When you completed the circle you will notice your circle starts to form what look like a cupcake liner. (paper baking cups)

Or it looks like a mini bonnet when upside down.

Now you will just need to pull tightly but gentle. Pull the string until the circle closes. This is forming your yoyo. Notice if you did not fold the fabric while sewing it this is where your yoyo will look messy in the center. You can always use a button to cover the mess but for clean lines I prefer the folding in method. Trust me. You will too.

Once you have pulled tight and your yoyo has formed you will just need to make a knot in the center of the yoyo. You can hide the knot in the fabric. There is your yoyo!

Have Fun.
GREAT tut :D thanks Sherry
Well, it's been a year since the last person posted to this, but boy am I glad to have found your instructions. It seemed logical, but I wanted to be sure!! Thanks much. I just made a black/white damask bib apron with blk/wht stripe super long waist ties for my daughter. Now I am going to make pink yoyos and stitch them on with buttons! So fun. She is 28 years old. thanks again.
Thanks a bunch for quick and easy tutorial with great images to help the visual people.
Hi Sherry,
I've just blogged a tutorial on felt book cover which includes the use of a fabric yoyo. I hope you wouldn't mind if I linked your yoyo tutorial in it, since it is clear and easy to follow for any future fabric yoyo makers. Did I mention it is fun too?
I had all but forgotten about yoyo's. I crafted with them when I was a little girl. Now my own daughter is old enough to want to try her hand at sewing. This would be a good little project for her. I recall using yoyo's in making Christmas ornaments. I think I will let her read your tutorial and set her to work. Thanks for sharing.