Vintage Field Trip Day!

anniescupboards 2 2:48 PM

Oh I found a few goodies today. I was lucky enough to get a few pyrex. I paid about $1.00-$2.00 for them. Great deal I say. They do not have the lids but Ebay has oodles. I was able to find a few vintage linens. I don't know what one says. Is that Dutch? German? Swiss? Do you know? Some people look over the vintage linens with the calendars on them. I don't know why. They are perfect for those who loved that year or era. I am going to make them into some shopping tote bags for my craft show. There is a ton of buttons in that jar. I almost passed on them. I pass on vintage buttons? You see I could not resist. I wanted to spill them out in the store to see what was all inside. I waited till I got home. What a treasure of vintage buttons inside. Oh goodness. Really good yummy ones.

I did get a few vintage items for my craft show booth display. I found a cake plate. Its too sweet. This will be on craft show table. I also grabbed a large red enamelware bowl. I thought it would be perfect to hold all my fabric wallets. Its under the firkin bucket. I found a firkin bucket! (giggle) Oh and the vintage dolly wanted to come with me. She needs a makeover. She will keep my other dolls company in the doll house. I have never found this many yummy finds in one visit. It was too fun going thru everything and looking. I have been stuffed up in my house for a few weeks just staring at the my walls and working that sewing machine overtime. I am so glad I went on a vintage field trip!


Wow, Sherry! I'm so jealous! You found cool stuff, I just LOVE going antique/vintage shopping. Isn't it a blast when you get a big jar of buttons to dump them out and go through them, it's like a mini treasure hunt. My husband even likes looking through jars of old buttons he says there is so much history in old buttons, you wonder what they were on and who wore them. I bet your display is gonna be awesome! Glad Ike missed you. Take care, Debbie

Oh Debbie. I love the buttons. I am so glad I bought it. There are some VERY unique and old ones in there. Plus I found a bunch of glass buttons. there is so much history there. They don't even make "good" buttons anyone. My hubby does not share OUR button love. But he does love to vintage shop. He travels down memory lane with me.

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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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