Stitch Rock 2008 Craft Show SUCESS!

I heard lots of gasping for air. Lots of smiles. Everyone who came to my booth was as sweet as can be. The other craft show vendors there were so cute! So very nice. So stylish. Such Joy in all their faces and hearts. Such great creativity. I mean it was hard working a show and not being able to shop. I just wanted to walk around. I was so thrilled to be among other crafters like me. It was refreshing. It was exciting talking to them. It was sweet to look at their crafts and them coming to check out mine. Amanda. The beauty, the girl with the master plan. The one who threw this entire craft show together. I bow at your feet Missy! XOXO (can I tell you how pretty this girl is? Oh wow. Stunning and so stylish) I don't know how to ever thank her so much. I was so honored to meet her. I was giggling when she said she was checking me out online. Cause ummmmmmm I was checking her out online too. I visited her site....drooled over her cupcake business. Her myspace her flickr. I thought I was the stalker. (giggle) Inside joke we had. Thank you so much for accepting me into the show. I shall be back next year for sure. Thank you for all the hard work and prep for the show. I don't know how she did it all. She promoted the show very well. People were coming from ALL over the state of florida to this show. Its just gonna get bigger and better every year.
I LOVED my spot. My location was awesome. I could see everything and everyone all over. There was so much eyecandy. I really wanted to go shop in the clothing. I wanted to check out all the jewelry and the aprons. Oh my there was so much to see. I bet the shoppers had a great time.
I did very well in sales. I was shocked actually. I had no idea I could make that kind of money in one day. And to think I was nervous no one would like my stuff. I think we all think that huh? I was busy from door opening to door closing. It went by too fast. Now its just a flash of my past and it was a great ride. AWESOME. I can't wait for next year. I heard Amanda say it might be sooner than Oct. Hey, I am there no matter what month it will be.
What was my best sellers? My felt barrets and my aprons for dish soaps. People were going crazy for them. I have to make more for my next show. I was so happy they had lunch there. I was starving. I only brought a few snacks cause I was too busy make a lunch. So I quickly grabbed a sandwhich and ate behind my booth before the show started. It was very yummy and hit the spot. NO I did not get a cupcake. I was so busy and I should have had my son run down to grab me one of Amanda's cakes. But he was busy too. He helped me out so much. He did not have to come with me. He wanted to. (sweet sweet child) He was in charge of the money and giving me bags and tissue paper. He even manned the booth when I went potty several times. And made sales while I was gone. He helped me set up my stuff and take it down and carry everything. Not once did he complain. He was a trooper and my little man.
I am going to try and come hang out with a few of them locally. I read online and then saw invites to a local craft worshop held in Tates Comics. I heard there is a shop upstairs? Bear and Bird Boutique 7 Gallery. Tates comic store has been a name I have heard in my house for 5 years. My son would go there and shop. And to think I would be waiting in the car or drop him off and never went inside? Oh don't get me started about that. I had a good laugh about it. They are 10 mins from me. I am still shaking my head. I wanna play and I wanna play with crafters. I am alone in my crafting. It will be nice to hang out with local crafters.
I had my photo taken several times. Some for newspapers. I even had someone filming me. Oh I hope they didnt get a close up. I didn't get to touch up my face. Not ready for my close up Mr. Deville. Not ready! Oh someone there has cheezy grin photos of me. I hope to find some. I had no idea I would get so much attention. It was awesome tho. I must confess. It was just good for the soul. Nice to hear praise. Nice to be the center of attention just for a day. No wonder vendors are hooked on craft shows. Goodness.
I feel like I am spoiled now and maybe nothing will even compair to this show. It was inside. It was in a vintage gym. Oh gush did you see the colors of the inside of the gym? My favorite. Air conditioned (totally spoiled) It was rainy out the entire day. But customers didn't seem to care. They all were waiting to get in. They kept coming. There was free covered parking right across the street. What a perfect place to have a show. Everything was just perfect. This memory will be with me forever. My first show. SUCESS! XOXO
Oh and if your wondering what is going to happen to all my leftover stock I made for my 2 craft shows this year? They are going to be sale on Etsy and my website. And The prices will cut. So keep an eye out for my post. That will take place starting Sunday Oct 19th. I shall post here to let you know when everything is listed.
YOU GO GIRL!!!! I have been waiting to hear about your first show since yesterday. I am so happy for you. And I knew you would be a hit! You have inspired me to maybe do a show soon here in Michigan!!
Sending lots of hi-fives and hugs your way!
Oh SHANNON! I know I was so tired that yesterday wsa just a rest day. Oh trust me I wanted to come here and post but my eyes were so tired I could not even muster a full sentance haha. Thank you so much.
I am so happy I inspired you! Oh girl all I can say is you have to go out there and do it. Experiance it all. It so awesome. the cash was great I wont lie. LoL But the words of praise. PRICELESS and had me tearing all day yesterday thinking of what everyone was saying to me. I was just letting it all settle in me. I loved it.
I'm so happy to hear your first show was a success for you! Someone once told me that at your shows you the crafter are a celebrity, everyone wants to talk to you and meet you. It feels so good to get so many compliments and be apprieciated. We work so hard at home and are not sure how our choices of items we make will be accepted and liked and then we get to the show and have all that love it is AWESOME! Keep it up it only gets better as you gain followers at every show.
Take care, Debbie
I am so thrilled that everything turned out wonderfully (I knew it would - you are one very talented woman!). Congrats!
I am happy that your craft show experience was so enjoyable and successful. I am busily preparing for my first show ever and I am very, very nervous. Your post definitely helped alleviate some of my jitters. Thanks and here's to many, many more successes for you!
Sherry!! Oh wow everything is so amazing!! I would of been in Heaven trying to pick out which dollies!! How have you been!! Haven't talked to you in forever!! Glad the show was such a success!! Congrats!! xoxo Melissa Gramma Fran