New sewing machine, Bernina Activa 230
This is what I have been doing lately. Getting to know my brand new sewing machine. Hubby purchased me this darling Bernina. Its from the Activa line. I chose the 230. It was hard choosing a sewing machine, but worth the research that it took. I am so pleased with my new baby. I have decided to name her Maddy. This is the first time I am naming my sewing machine. I thought she deserves a name. This is a big event for me here. I always wanted a sewing machine as grand as this. It sews so pretty. Its so quiet. Its everything I ever wanted and even more than I wanted. I find new things and tricks to do with it. Her older sis the 240 model was my first choice but after researching and finding out there are only a hand full of differences between the two. Cept the price tag. BIG difference. If I could offer any advice, before buying a sewing machine do a check list of what you need and want in a sewing machine. Then research some models and see what people are saying about them. I will never purchase a sewing machine with out trying it out before buying. I used to just pick out BOXES and names. Now I know to TEST them. See how they are, see how they work and see what they can do. If the store does not let you try the machine.....then your better off NOT buying it. TRUST ME! I also found out that you can get a REALLY good sewing machine for the same price you would at any ole convenient store price. So check out your local sewing machine stores. Don't be afraid or scared. They will help you choose one that is for you. You can find quality in those stores. You could find a machine that is less than 300 bucks in those stores. If anything was to happen to your machine you can take it there. Unlike some stores who just wanna see your receipt. They people there to fix them. You can exchange your machine and get an upgrade down the road. Oh my so many choices. Such quality and so helpful.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

Hard Canvas Machine Cover. I have yet to use it. I am too busy sewing on it. haha!
This is for needle felting. They just came out with it. I am so excited. Oh FYI, Only the Activa models will fit the felting foot. So now I can machine felt. My fingers are totally dancing with excitement. No more bandaids when crafting! yipee!

OH lucky you! Berninas are great machines! and it has a needle felting foot! i wonder how well that works. probably isnt meant for tiny things I suppose. but what fun!!!
What did you pay for the felting foot? Did they throw in it your purchase? I have a chance to buy the Activa 230 from a dealer and I'm curious about that feature.
I am glad to see your blog and "meet" you. I have a Bernina 150 from about 10 years ago and today bought a Bernina 230. I love the way it sews and looks and getting to know my new machine is a very exciting time for me. Maybe I will name her too. I hope to check back and see what you are up to. Thanks,
Hi. I hope that it's okay that I post this here with you. After reading about your new machine, I wondered if you could help me. I haven't sewed since high school (which was a really long time ago for me) and am wondering which machine I should buy. We have a bernina store locally and I was in there and they are going to let me try all the different machines. I am most interested in using the machine for quilting and home decorating. Can you give me any advice on which machine to buy?
hello out there, I just bought an old Berina 230-2 at a yard sale, but I can't figure out how to thread it properly, can anybody help me,or know where I can get a book? thanks, Shirley