I made this belt from a vintage bed sheet. Its really easy to make and I am going to tell you how.

You will need to find a bed sheet that you like and want to make a belt from. I used a vintage twin size fitted sheet. I tore slowly all the elastic off the sheet and then ironed the sheet. You can cut it if you don't feel comfy tearing. My sheet was rather old and it didn't give me a problem.

I started my belt using 45" length of vintage sheet and 7" wide.
I used two 1" silver buckles.
You will want to measure your waist to see how long your want your belt to be.
(After making my belt it measures almost 44" long.)

Fold over the 45" fabric and cut.
You will now have 2 pieces 45" long and 3 1/2" wide.

Piece one, Fold over both sides and iron. Do the same to piece 2.

Line up both pieces, you will see some uneven areas,
just go back and adjust and re-iron.
This process will save you from having sewn an uneven belt.
For the ends of the belt I just folded each end over and
ironed until even and then I sewed the entire belt closed.

Take both your belt rings and fold over and then sew closed.

Then you are done. Enjoy.

Have fun making them.
Go green at your craft shows this year! XO
(update: I did use interfacing to make it a bit sturdy
and depending on your fabric used you can wash this in the machine/ iron when dry)
Super cute! Need to find some vintage sheets first though :(
Would love to have this tutorial on my new blog the vintage sheet blog. http://vintagesheets.blogspot.com email me at roseylittlethings@gmail.com if you are interested.