I had to make myself a case for my phone. I have been using the same one I made 2 years ago. It is still fine to use. I am just tired of it. I wanted change. I also needed something for the gym too. I have an Iphone and I also have it in a hard shell case to keep it safe from my clumsy self. (also I want to point this out, my sons and hubby have the same phone as me and their screen is not as fresh and new looking as mine because I do keep it in a fabric case) I tried finding an arm strap case for the gym. They have them out there but you have to take your hard shell off your phone to put it in there. Seeing how I go to the gym almost every day I find this task annoying. On off, on off. Not to mention my hard shell is actually hard to take on and off. So I needed to make myself one. I think I put the loop on to low. I will test it tomorrow to see. If so I will make another one for the gym and use this for my purse.

The photo below. This is what I am not so sure about. The loop. The strap I can use on any case that I make. So I won't have to make another strap. I will have to test it to see if it all hangs properly when I use the weights. I am just afraid it will wobble when I so certain motions. I want it to stay still and close to my arm. I am really loving this case either way. Yellow is my new color at the moment so I really been trying to keep it near me.

I put Velcro on the belt to keep it in place. I ran out of white Velcro.