Retro Tape Player

anniescupboards Reply 9:33 AM

Retro Tape Player from estate sale
Originally uploaded by Missewon

I see tape players all the time in thrift stores. I see more VHS players than anything but these come in a close 2nd. Back in the 80's this was my life line. I grew up poor which means you get very creative very fast when you want something you cant afford. I was given a tape player by someone in the family. At first I started playing on it and recording my voice and singing into it. Horriable. haha. Dont you hate the way your voice sounds when you play it back? eek. I did. Now I don't care as much. Before there was VHS players or even Beta players (which was a form of a video tape just smaller and never got popular) You would have really no chance of recording your favorite show or song. When Michael Jackson performed or Madonna on a tv show I quickly ran and grabbed my tape recorder and put it to use. Sure you got lots of air noises from the recording but you could listen to it over and over again. I used to do the same thing with the radio. You just hope no one walks in and started talking or laughing or what not. Dog Barking was in a bunch of mine. When I was younger I would listen to Dr. Demto on the radio and fall asleep. As I would fall asleep I would hit record so I could listen the next night. It was always on so late and I had to get up for school the next day. I also used to record messages to my older sister Lani. She lives in California with my dad. So I would send her voice message and mail it to her and she would listen to them on her tape recorder and send me back voice tapes too. What used to be my life line in the 80's is now just a memory. When I see them now. I always think of those days. I loved that recorder.

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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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