I took a field trip over to a local antique mall by me. I stopped going there a long time ago. Its been way over a year maybe 2 since my last visit. They are so over priced in there. I noticed they changed things around a bit and got new vendors and some left. Some have some really good prices. I may have to stop in more than once a year. Eek! I wanted to take all of these pearls home. They are not real. Or are they? I have no idea how to tell if they are. I have wanted a pearl necklace for a long time. I may go back in there and just buy one. Real or not.
Lots of Pyrex was found. They just love to up the price so much on Pyrex in these places. I have no idea why. I guess to help cover the cost of having a booth in the mall? Do they know Ebay is flooded with Pyrex and you can get the same pieces even less with shipping added in the cost?
The above top is to that orange Pyrex dish. It was so bright. I do like it.
Look how much that Jadeite Fire King Swirl bowl is. $49 bucks and I paid $6 for mine.
I found the piece I showed you yesterday. Here. It was being used to keep handles in. Poor bowl. I saved it from being all scratched up.
I do love this sewing desk. Not bad price for vintage machine and table. $25
This pink phone did not look vintage or feel it. It was very plastic. $42 sold as is too.
Found another. The small bowl was 24 and the larger yep in the 40's. I paid $4.00 for my small one. Now I can totally understand the prices of these. Its Jadeite Fire King. Which is not flooded in Ebay. You can find it. But not as much as Pyrex.
This booth had the most McKee milk glass I have ever seen. You can find out a little bit of info here about McKee. I just found out myself. They look Pyrex and feel Pyrex like. I wonder if I have ever passed any up thinking they were fake Pyrex. The photo below is a better photo of the top shelf. These were costly. Each piece was close to $40 or way over it.
I don't mind antique stores. They are wonderful for inspiration. They actually can school you on items you are interested in collecting. You can spot pieces you never knew existed and get to see them up close in person. Feel them. Check out the maker. Is there one? You can find good deals and you can always have the owner of the booth called and see if they will do a better price than what they have listed. Some will give 10% off. If you buy more they may give you even more. Sometimes here locally in South Florida if its just vintage they mark it so costly. I have gone to antique malls in other states and found cheaper prices. Not all the time. South Florida I guess is so far down that if anything makes it here vintage they just slap a high price on it even if its in good shape or not. I once found an old clear mason jar with lid and they wanted $40.00 for it. They had a total of 5. I went to Lancaster, PA and everyone there was charging $4.00. The green ones were $8.00 and higher. Never once did I find one over 15. South Florida has some schooling to do in the antique pricing. I personally think the ones who are charging so much money are the old school collectors who haven't even heard or tried going online. The internet is flooded with antiques. You can shop around and get the same thing and you will find it. Just give it time. Depending on the pieces you collect. Some are totally justified in their prices.
You can tell if pearls are real if you rub them across your teeth. Eek, I know. But if they are smooth they are fake, and if they feel scratchy, they are real! Good luck.
Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!
You can tell if pearls are real if you rub them across your teeth. Eek, I know. But if they are smooth they are fake, and if they feel scratchy, they are real! Good luck.