I found this whole set. Not thrifting. I found it at an antique store. And it was affordable! I paid $45 for the whole set. HAPPILY I paid too. I never find PINK! I found it.
This is my Etsy purchase I told you about. It arrived safe and sound. This was the very first piece I ordered from online. I might have to do it again. Funny how I was trying to complete this set and I find the set the very next day after this bowl arrived at the front door. This is the large bowl The 4 quart size. I was so worried about the shipping part.
My friend Tiffany and I were out and about last weekend. We went thrifting and to the farmers market. I love it over there. We are going to again for sure. They now have someone making BBQ over there. The food is so awesome. These are not flying pigs. haha They are Pink water pigs. They help you water the garden.
Don't ya love FRESH fruit and veggies? Free from any toxins!! You will never taste anything better than that.
Tiffany found her favorite pattern of Pyrex. We both were Pyrex High all day. It was fabulous. She caught Pyrexia from me. It happens. I warned her the effects.
If you want very yummy tasting SOUTHERN bbq, head on over here for the weekend.
Unrelated: I am still trying to make the perfect jello mold. This one came out ALMOST perfect. I am getting there. At least it was not a mush like last time.
I love reading your blog! I thrift shop a LOT and whenever I see Pyrex I think of you...LOL! I don't collect them myself but I have to admit if I had come across pink I would have to pick it up.
Congrats on the pink Pyrex! If my sister knew she might wrestle you for them. lol She's another vintage glass/bakeware lover... with a special place in her heart for anything in pink. They're not easy to find.
Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!
Your Pyrex is absolutely pinktastic. Congrats on the find!
What lovely photos, thanks for sharing :]
Great score on the "pink pyrex"... sweet stuff.
I love reading your blog! I thrift shop a LOT and whenever I see Pyrex I think of you...LOL! I don't collect them myself but I have to admit if I had come across pink I would have to pick it up.
Congrats on the pink Pyrex! If my sister knew she might wrestle you for them. lol
She's another vintage glass/bakeware lover... with a special place in her heart for anything in pink. They're not easy to find.
Awww...I miss you girls!
I'm jealous, I'd LOVE a pink Pyrex!