Thrift Store Shopping Sucess

anniescupboards Reply 4:51 PM

I was able to find these two oval frames.
One of them does not have the cardboard.
I can make do one.
I just need to paint them.
I need to choose a color. I think Black.
I found a vintage glass worthy to take home.
I really like this mushroom print mixed with my ginger-ale.

How perfect are these vintage mushroom canisters.
They have no lids. I wanted them. I do not
have room to even store them.
They are perfect!
I found this original Bedazzler.
I have two already.
This one came with all the parts.
I bought it with a friend in mind. I checked
everything out to make sure it was all there
and worked and does. I have never seen them in
this orange and yellow color. This is a Ronco Model.

Today I am making a dress. I almost finished it.
I need another 2 yards of skirt. I even bought a
a bunch of fabric. I need more. I want a full skirt.
I seriously thought I had enough. Ugh.
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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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