Vintage Kitchen Art

anniescupboards Reply 12:57 PM
 I have been putting lots of vintage on my wall in the Kitchen this year.
I have all white walls. I need color. My kitchen has an orange and red theme
going on. I am trying to make it happen. The only art I have been
buying lately from thrift stores is vintage or handmade.

 I have been after an ice cream maker since I bought the bread machine.
I am loving my fresh made bread. All natural and organic.
I want the same for ice cream. I actually did some research on
ice cream makers before I went on my hunt. I pinned this Donvier ice cream
maker in my Pintrest. I wanted the yellow one. It makes a pint
of ice cream.  Saturday I found this box and inside was the pink one.
I was kinda in shock I found the one I wanted. I had no idea it
was the correct one till I ran home to my pc and checked.
All brand new looking. Still in plastic. This pink one is a quart.
The sticker was still on this from whom ever donated paid 44.00 for this.
I paid 5. (WOW) I chose this maker cause I like the ease of it. The fabulous
colors got me too. I wanted something that I can take apart and clean
easily. I looked up ice cream recipes and Oh boy, there are a whole
bunch of them. I am trying to make my ice cream with whipping cream.
I am unable to digest cows milk but for some reason whipping
cream I can digest a single portion. I will also try coconut milk and a few
other "milks". I will have lots of fun playing with this.

 I found this childs desk. They wanted $15 dollars for it.
What a steal.

 I found this Unicorn mirror and painted it purple.

 I found these two Gooseberry Pyrex Dishes.
I did not buy them. I have several of these already.
It was hard to walk away. It really was.

 Fabric in thrift stores? Yes! You can find them.
Check over where they keep the bedding.
I know some stores THROW AWAY bedding and fabric.
SHAME ON THEM! If your store does not carry them,
ask them what they do with the ones that get donated.

 I have been making over lots of thrifty items.

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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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