Thrift Store Find Friday Vintage Sheets
I really did not need any more sheets. But a few more wont hurt right? They are way cheaper than fabric and you can do many things with them.
You can tell I grew up in the 80's huh? Pac Man Sheets are hard to find, yet there was this flat sheet sitting there. I was a Pac-Man freak. I loved playing that game.
Kassy would kill for an apron out of the care bear fabric. If you make one let me know. Remember she is 5'4" and soaking wet weighs 1-2
Sorry to say but your care bear sheets aren't all that vintage. My daughter has a set I purchased brand new at Target about 6 yr ago. With all the reproductions they have done in the last 10yrs it's really hard to tell. I thought I had some vintage strawberry short cake but it turned out they weren't. Oh well , love em anyways.
I had the PacMan sheets growing up and they finally ripped so my wife made them into my current pillowcases. :)