I go crazy for those vintage bed sheets. I do. The more flower the better! I made this purse from my most favorite sheet in the batch. Truth be told, I have been holding on to this sheet for almost 1 year. I think longer actually. I did not have the courage to cut into it until yesterday. I only have a twin size fitted (sheet)worth of fabric. The sheet is so bright and no stains or holes or fading and I drooled a little when I found it in the thrift store. I seem to find a few of the flower power sheets locally. You can buy some online in Etsy I am sure. Some people buy them and then cut them up and sell them as fat quarters too. I sell a few vintage sheets in my Etsy shop. I don't cut them up. I am sure maybe I could sell them quicker if I did. I just can't. I love vintage. So I think maybe there is someone like me with that same like and wants to still use that as decor on their bed. Or maybe they need more than a fat quarter. Like when your making a skirt you need at least a twin size to work with. Sometimes more depending on the style and size. Usually if I find a sheet I love and there are some holes or stains in the sheet, I cut that one up and use it in my sewing. Usually I find the ones that have the elastic all worn on them and they pretty much scream please cut me and make me into something pretty. This sheet had nothing wrong with it at all. Made it really hard. Then nothing was ever good enough to make from it. HA! So finally I said your either going to sell it use it. So made myself use it.

I am going to make a few more like it for the show coming up. Now its a sheet so I had to buy really thick interfacing to make it stand up and keep to the shape of the purse. I think I may keep this one and use it at the show. I really love it. I also cut a few hair bows out in this fabric. I think I might keep one of those too. Then I can stare at the fabric forever!
Oh and we have 13 eggs today.
I found out she is a
Moscovy Duck.
Oh my goodness! I have the same sheet and I've been saving mine, too.
It's in great shape and is huge - I couldn't find a size tag on it, but it was marked "king" at the thrift store. It drapes off both sides of our bed and is big enough to make a duvet cover for our queen-sized comforter, which is my plan for it. The only thing holding me back is not finding a perfect solid colored sheet to back it with.
great purse!!!!
Deena I am so jealous that you have KING SIZE!! I would do the same thing you are. Oh my gosh!!