Pyrex mixed with vintage pillowcases & Vera

anniescupboards Reply 12:50 PM
I found 2 of these vintage bright pillowcases.
I found one vintage mod pillowcase. I wish there was another.
3 Vintage Pyrex daisy printed mugs were found. These are heavy.
Vintage Vera Scarf. I wore this the same day I found it. Its so pretty.

These were all previous finds from the previous week. I just never shared them with you. I have a bunch of projects piling up on my crafting desk. I finished 28 ornies (ornaments) for the annual Prim Mart Christmas Ornie Swap last week. I have to wait to show you what I made. I know. I do this a bunch. But we are not allowed to post who made what until everyone gets their box. And I just sent mine in and I am thinking my box won't show up till the end of November? I will then post my creation. I will also post my Christmas tree I will be setting up in the bedroom.
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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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