Mod Birds

I am currently making Christmas Ornies for my tree this year. I am doing a mod woodland forest theme. I have searched high and low on Google these past few days. All those searches paid off. I was able to find a bunch of free patterns and tutorials to help me along the way. You can not believe the stuff that is out there in Google-land if you look. You just have to keep looking and play word games. The bird on the left I made using a pattern from Spool. They are so fun to make and look so cute. I can't wait to get a bunch of them made. The owl on the right is actually my own pattern. I did see a few photos on and I really loved how this guy looked but there was no link. So Google again played superman and brought me to Moonstitches tutorial. She does not have patterns. She just made a tutorial on how to construct it. So I had to make my own pattern. I can't wait to show you what I have next on the crafting table.
On a side note. I totally need to choose colors for my main Christmas tree. I am slacking in making that decision right now. I am doing Mod Woodland Forest Theme. I just don't know how much color I want. I will have to research more color schemes again. Once I get done making all the tester ornies I am going to need choose.
Your birds are very very nice. You're really a great creative!
I love your works!