When I found this vintage red and white polyester fabric in the thrift store I knew the first thing I would make from it was this outfit. I love sewing polyester. Its so easy to sew and holds it shape perfectly. I made this outfit from a vintage sewing pattern.
This pattern. My friend sent it to me last year and I have been drooling to use it since. You can find oodles of vintage barbie patterns on
Ebay and
Etsy. Now I did make a coat from this pattern last year remember? Its
over here if you havent seen it or forgot about it.

OMG Sherry!! Too cute! You are just awesome. Wondering if you can help me, my hubby signed me up for a small craft show on Saturday, Ive never done one before and am totally FREAKED out about it!!! Any last minute quick things I can make to offer. I have a few dolls some ornies and tags, but not enough in my opinion for a show, he seems to think so. What should I do?
Shannon, I will tell you something. You never feel like you made enough stuff. I think we all feel that way when the time gets closer. I think if you make a variety of items you will have enough to tempt the shoppers. Remember everyone is unique when shopping. Its really hard to say WHATS a good seller. I have made things that sell and then the following year...not one. Get to know the crowd and see what people are using/wearing/buying/looking for. It always helps for the following year. Trust me. Get your blog and site on a card and SMILE A bunch. Your gonna network and have sales. Dont worry. You will do just fine. We all have to get our feet wet once in a while. Its those that DARE to do.