There hasn't been a moment free to thrift. Today I had a moment. I am so happy I did. I was able to find some really nice things. Vintage things, that make me smile. Like this little pin. I really adore the print. I found a few linens and a vintage aqua beaded necklace.

I always see lots of these white dishes. I know there are some collectible. I am not sure which ones. I like them vintage or not, if they have the right pattern and are pretty and scalloped like this one is. I am using this in the bedroom. I really have no idea what for. Maybe just to stare at.

I found another vintage Regal Coffee Pot. The green vintage one I had purchased from a thrifty visit has been used up so much its not working correctly. I will keep the wire in case I need it for back up. This one has everything included inside it. (including the wire). I only paid $2.00 for it. I also picked up a vintage tissue holder.

I found a small yellow Pyrex bowl. This one has green floral print on it. It's called the Shenandoah print.

Usually I never find lids for the bottoms of the Pyrex I find. I found a lid with no bottom. HA!

I found this rather large Pyrex bowl. It's the Dots pattern. Hip Hip Hooray! Some of you may know I am a little excited about polk-a-dots. If you did not know, well now you do. I don't like everything in dots. Just some items. The size of the dot is also important. I cleaned this bowl up and put a whole bunch of oranges in it.

I was way too excited when I found this set. At first I only thought I had one. When I made it to the register I noticed there was 2 of them. I love these vintage pillowcases.

I found this full size duvet cover. I love the aqua and blue. I love the vintage print. I am not sure but I do think this was handmade (but I could be wrong). It feels and looks like 2 full size sheets were sewn together and then plastic snaps were added.

I found this set of brightly colors and adorable flower printed sheets. This is going in my Etsy shoppe. There are 2 pillowcases and one twin size flat sheet.

I found one large pillowcase. (king size) Only 1 (sniff, sniff)

Another single pillowcase. I will find you mates, I will I will!

I had fun being thrifty today!
love! love! all the thrifty things you found..they are awesome..especially the polk-a-dot bowl..I am crazy for dots as well...love them all..they make you smile...not sure why..but they do..have a wonderful weekend:)
oh You too girl! Your fast I just posted. haha! Have a great WEEKEND! XO enjoy it. (nice and slow)
I love the pin and the tissue holder! Good finds!
Wow, what a great batch of stuff! I love that pin, too. I have a plastic tissue box very similar to that one, but it's a lighter yellow. I'm craving a trip to the junk store now.
That polka dots rocks! It's called New Dots. It is worth a lot of money...you did well! ;)