I had a hard time getting this apron's print to show up in the photos. It's been so super sunny here. This sheet is amazing bright. I adore this print. There is really not much of this vintage sheet left to craft with. This was the last big piece I have. I hope to find another. I really am going to miss crafting with this. I got this idea for the apron from this photo I saw
here. I was just lucky to have enough of that sheet left to make one. I like aprons. A whole bunch. They change the look of your outfit instantly. Who says you need to make aprons just for the kitchen. My friend said to me once she was all grungy from cleaning and crafting all day and someone knocked on the door. She was like. Oh NO! She quickly grabbed a pretty apron, tied it on and boom instant glamor. One day I tell you, aprons will make it into every day fashion. Just wait!

Blowing kisses to show off my new ring. You have prolly already seen this photo hanging around the blog. I have been making these rings for 3 days. I am going to also make some into hair clips and what ever else I can attached them too. I am hooked silly! I love them. These are made from craft felt. Craft felt is made from recycled plastic. I have some made from wool, but not all are. I cant use felted wool. Its too thick. The craft felt is actually the best to craft when making these flowers. You have to use a few layers and when sewing them all together the less bulky the better. After sewn it then becomes 10 times stronger than you would think. Not bad for recycled plastic. Not bad at all. I am not sure why some shutter when thinking of using craft felt. IT'S WONDERFUL! (besides you know how many people are allergic to wool? eek!) Offer something for everyone and help save funds on your end in the process and help our environment so they keep recycling that plastic.
Have you entered the contest for the doll I am giving away
right here?? Check the post below to enter or
just click here for instant access. I love reading all your collections or wants! Thanks for playing! BEST WISHES!!
Hiya I discovered your blog by chance a few days ago, really love it. You are obviously very talented and creative, which is inspiring. Look forward to reading more of your posts xxxx
Annie, that apron is SO sweet! Good on you for just seeing a picture and making one for yourself!
The apron is gorgeous. I think they should make a huge comeback, they seem to be sneaking their way back slowly.
Love the ring, have never heard of felt made out of plastic, I'll have to look into that one. :/ x
Your blog is so cute! I LOVE it!