Now I am not going all foodie blog on you. But I really have not been doing anything but watching and learning how to cook. I am trying to make meals that are yummy and not the same meal every week. I always end up making teh same thing till its so boring no one really looks forward to it. I am not a chef. I wish I was. I am learning. I have been learning for a while now. Some days I get really into it and I have to watch as many cooking shows as I can. You learn so much. The internet is a great source. I find blogs are the best. You can find so many tutorials on those foodie blogs. I love you foodie blogs. I love you. You are helping me out so much. Do you have a favorite? I just google what I am looking for and I find them this way. I will share some of my favorites in the comment section. I don't have many but would love to share.

I made some chicken tacos tonight. I make mine all fresh. I grate the cheese. I cheat and buy pre-made salsa. Its fresh and has no preservatives. I use my immersion blender to smooth the sauce out. We prefer a thin sauce on our tacos.

I use 1 lime and grate the peel and then use the juice. I season the ground chicken breast with cumin, salt and pepper. I use fresh green peppers, (you can use orange or red to make it sweeter) onions (
Viladia onions) and several garlic cloves. I use olive oil and a non stick pan to cook this. I use small amounts of the oil while its slow cooking. When the chicken gets to be a golden brown, your ready.

I confess I love avocado and sour cream a little too much. I prefer the corn tortillas. I am not fond of the flour ones. They are not as tasty to me. How about you? Prefer a taco shell? Soft taco?
I used to use that icky taco packet seasoning in the 80's who knew I was missing out and gaining weight. Ugh! You can make fresh and it taste so wonderful. You will never use that packaged stuff again.
They look delicious :)
i made this for my husband, he loved it! :<)
Lisa Ann