Thrifty Monday Smiles

anniescupboards 3 1:59 PM
I went thrifting this morning. I just love thrift stores! You never know what you will find.
I found a set of 2 vintage suitcases. The insides are perfectly clean and cute. I also found a Vera table cloth and napkins. I am thinking this might be a newer set. I am not getting a vintage vibe from it. I do love the colors. I am going to put that set of linen in my Etsy shop for sale this week.

I went crazy over a few vintage plates. I purchased the smaller ones. That is all they had anyhow. I just love the floral prints on each one. I am going to make them into mini cake stands. I am so excited to play with them. I can't wait. I found a red vintage fabric bread bread basket. Remember I have the info here on how to make one of your very own. I do love finding the vintage ones. I have 3 now in my collection. Green basket is for the craft room closet. I am going to hang it in there. I purchased 2 sets of 4 pink vintage napkins. I am going to do something pretty with them in my room. I have been waiting to find something like those for a long time now. I am ever so so so excited about them and so thrilled I paid 50 cents for each set.
I really love these plates. I bought these to make and sell. I think I am keeping a few.
Why yes that is the big yellow Pyrex bowl your seeing.
I am totally making over that 3 tier cake stand. I have been waiting to find one. Most of the time they are broken and not fixable. Or really heavy and over priced. This one is very lightweight. I am going to use it at the craft shows. *perfect*
Always the yellow but never the blue. I will find you little small blue Pyrex bowl. I giggle every time I find another yellow. That means a WHOLE another set I have to put together. This makes number 7. I have 2 sets almost completed. I just need the blue bowls. Sure I can buy them from Etsy or Ebay but I really want my set to be thrifted all the way. I may get impatient. I love that pink and aqua vintage scarf. It's totally perfect. I can't wait to wear it.


It's funny because the only piece of that Pyrex set I have ever found is the little blue bowl that eludes you! Fate is cruel sometimes!

Okay so we totally had that big yellow pyrex bowl and those yellow and blue plates. I bought them from the A&P in the early 80's before I got married...I donated them to Goodwill years ago. I think I still have the creamer and sugar bowl set that went with them. (no flowers on them, just solid beige.)
Funny how "one (wo)man's junk is another (wo)man's treasure." haha.

Oh, I can totally relate to what you mean about the thrill of "FINDING" a sought after item. I've been on the hunt for a vintage train case or a vintage luggage set like you came across. I could easily nab one on ebay but I am determined to "FIND" one while thrifting. Tee hee!

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Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!


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