I am going to be visiting farmers markets in my area this summer. I have noticed a bunch of them have popped up here and there. Some are a drive to get to. It may be worth it. I am sick and tired of the yucky veggies and fruit in my grocery stores. I get so mad cause I go to buy Florida oranges and I don't see any from Florida in the grocery store. I see them from California and out of the USA. I live in Florida. Why can't I have Florida fruit in my local grocery stores? I am also tired of buying really pretty fruit and veggies that taste like nothing. Grocery stores seem to buy from farmers who just like to grow for color and size. I hate that. I really do. I want a meal. A really good meal. If my thumb was green, I would be planting and making my own little garden. I want to taste the food and enjoy the flavors. I visited this market today and It was really small but worth the trip. I got to taste all kind of goodies. I love tasting. You can't very well taste at the grocery store can you? They want you to taste their goods. They know what they have and are proud of it. You also get more than just fruits and veggies. You will find homemade dips and pickles and sauces. They had hummus here. Oh Yum! I love that. This guy makes everything from fresh ingredients and it was yummy. However I walked with garlic breath after visiting with him. But it was very tasty. There was homemade cookies. Homemade dog biscuits and treats. You must visit a local market by you. It will be worth the visit. You will be so happy. Sometimes the price is cheaper than the grocery store. You get to know the vendors the more you go. Tell your friends. Let them in on your good find. Help your local farmer. They need the support from you and your friends. Take turns throwing meals at each others homes. Make it an experiment dinner night with your friends and make something new with your fresh tasty picks. If you have questions about their items, ask them. They will tell you. They know all about it. They grew it. These were all organic farmers/vendors at this market. I do recommend making a list before you go with meal plans in mind. Now I want leek soup! Oh my.
Those are beets on the far right.
Look how amazing those carrots look. I bought some. I love carrots.
I also *heart* the farmers market! It is really wonderful to be able to know exactly where the food you are eating is coming from! Cant wait to hear more about your market adventures. On another note: I lived in the FL for 4 years...and I would agree with the fruit thing. I will say that I did find great local produce in Miami! There is fruit all over that joint!
I hear you, it's impossible to find local in your average grocery store even if they have organic...it's all about the farmers markets. We get almost everything there, including meat and eggs. I can't resist a few things that don't grow locally though, like pineapple!! I figure I do my part 90% of the time :)
Hi, I am Sherry. A mama with 2 boys, a wonderful hubby and the love for art, fashion and food. I am a primitive doll maker who is in love with all types of crafts. I love to make and sew with my Bernina sewing machine. You can find me shopping for vintage locally. I just adore all things vintage. Green crafting too. I love to repurpose items and I have a love affair with vintage Pyrex. Thanks for peeking in! Drop me a line anytime!
Everything looks delish! And I'm with you- i don't care about size or color - I want quality!
I also *heart* the farmers market! It is really wonderful to be able to know exactly where the food you are eating is coming from! Cant wait to hear more about your market adventures.
On another note: I lived in the FL for 4 years...and I would agree with the fruit thing. I will say that I did find great local produce in Miami! There is fruit all over that joint!
I hear you, it's impossible to find local in your average grocery store even if they have organic...it's all about the farmers markets. We get almost everything there, including meat and eggs. I can't resist a few things that don't grow locally though, like pineapple!! I figure I do my part 90% of the time :)