I have listed 4 Woodsy Doll Homes in my Etsy shop. I went searching for more people today and I found a Michael's Craft Store in an area I had no idea there was one. I found people. I also found 3 more houses. I am so excited to have found them. They are so hard to find and lately I have been able to. How wonderful. I love making them. They are so much fun to paint and decorate. I sold 2 of these houses over the weekend before I even got a chance to list them on Etsy. ( the pink ones) So I have been busy painting these latest 3 finds all pink. Ok not all pink. One of them is purple. Purple is a childhood favorite of mine. My bike used to have a big old white wicker flower plastic basket and a banana seat glittery and purple. Satin Shorts, purple. Poms for my roller skates, purple. I used to have everything in purple. I loved that color so much.
I still do.
I just purchased one!
Oh Patti!! Thank you!! Oh my I am so happy you loved it so. Yipee!! You made my morning!
these are divine! wish I lived in the US!!!